Wolf Sketches

Hello all… The ringing in my ears is still here to try and push me out of sync… however, I’m just doing my best to relax and even forget it’s there. Hopefully, me resting and just playing around with some ideas from time to time can give me some strength to fight this thing off for good…

Anyway, I’m now pointing my ‘personal project’ focus towards redesigning Lazfar my alter ago wolf character. I’ve started the ball rolling with these wolf sketches. These are reference inspired, but were ultimately done from imagination.

Green wolf

This rough sketch was done in watercolours, in which I tested a new method of mine I’ve nicknamed ‘Drawing With A Brush’. The idea was to paint this by using a paintbrush as similar as possible to how I would draw with a pen. I used different hues of one colour, with the purpose of experimenting with depth.



I sketched a more detailed wolf’s head, again, just to play around. Both of these are exactly the same design sketched twice in different media. The grey one was sketched using graphite pencils. The red one was painted using cheep poster paint using my new DWAB technique to explore what I can achieve.

I’ll try to make more work based on this theme, and as usual, you’re more than welcome to comment. For now, thanks for looking and I wish you a relaxing Sunday and a good new week (and month) ahead. Cheers everyone!




Sunday Repost- Isabella aged 8.

Hello everyone…. Sorry, unfortunately, I have nothing new to upload. I’m trying to rest and take it easy for the time being.

The good news is that I’ve seen an ENT and they have said I no longer have anything hostile in my ears, but the bad news is that I still have tinnitus, and my ears still feel a bit tender… Hopefully the ringing will pass on its own…

In the meantime, I’ll repost this portrait I did on commission quite a while ago of a girl called Isabella. This was done using colour pencils on paper. I hope you all enjoy. Bye for now and best of luck.

Isabella drawing


Get Your Stoop On (Birthday card)


Hello once again. I’m not sure I’m getting any better…and the appointment arranged for me to see an ENT is still pending. (ugh).

However, I post for you, (with permission) a birthday card design I did for my mother…it was her birthday recently. It’s the face of a panther character I designed. This was completed using Derwent Artbars and ink on black paper.

Above and below the panther face it says ‘get your Stoop on’, as my mother’s tag name (and the name of the panther itself) is Stoop. It’s just a basic stylish message… I hope it looks as cool and as article as I wanted it to look.

That’s all, feel free to like and comment etc… I do hope you enjoy. See you all next time. Bye for now!

New year’s Wooden Soldier


Hello all and happy new year! Above is a piece I drew entitled ‘New year’s wooden soldier’. It’s graphite on paper.

There is a meaning behind this that lends its roots to the Chinese Zodiac. Its about the New Year, specifically the transition from 2015 to 2016. 2015 is the Chinese year of the wood goat and, 2016, the year of the fire monkey. In this piece, the goat is giving the Monkey a balloon (like the Olympic torch if you will)… to symbolise that life goes on as the new year arrives.

I drew each creature to represent their respective element. (Goat with tree bark and roots and the Monkey as passionate as fire). I’ll be very honest, I’m not very proud of this, its very stiff…but it’s all I could do given how drained I feel tonight.

Thanks everyone, have a marvellous New Year and a good week ahead. Bye for now!