Goodbye Tumblr.

Bye T

Hello Everyone.

I have decided to leave my Tumblr gallery blog forever. I’ll be brutally honest, I quite disslike how tumblr works… And in what direction it is taking now.

I shall be erasing the blog in a few days time. If you feel like I should keep going with Tumblr, (which I highly doubt you do…) Please leave a message. Otherwise, cheers.

There may be a time and a place for tumblr in the future perhaps…but as for now, this is not the time nor the place in my opinion.

Well. Farewell for now.

Black text design.


A complex text illustration I completed in a sort of “tradigital” process.

This multi image picture was sketched in Biro, separate from the text design, and both the text and illustration were scanned in so I could work on it digitally.

I simply overlaid a swirl shape from a filter, and traced over the text with some gradient effects. Hope you enjoy it and feel free to comment!