Concept: Black Crow

It seems that ive come to a point in this block that Im having that I have found some inspiration (at long last). Below, are two photos of a rough idea I plan to flesh out.

You came to see this bird rough

I plan to do a crow in this position coming into life from out of an ink blot or splash or something similar…Its planned to be profound and creative, something people will want to see.

You came to see this bird sketchbook

The ink blot or splash will come from the bottom left, transforming into and becoming the crow on the top right. (The shadow in this photo came from my arm believe it or not. :P)

I dont know how this will turn out, as I will be using wet media for these effects which I dont normally use for final pieces…but wish me luck, ay? Thanks for looking and tune in again next weekend!

Creative Number Plate

*Disclaimer! I do not own the idea for this creation as it was inspired by an idea off of the tellevision programme, Art Attack. However, I did create the examples below.*

Lazfar Plate

Stoop Plate

To try and help kick start my creative juices, I have been experimenting with trying to create something fun. That’s when I stumbled on this idea for a number plate design on card. (I know mine are a bit scruffy, but it was only my first time trying it! Also, I didn’t use sticky back plastic like the original idea intended. 😛 ).

I was inspired by the old Art Attack show from the 90s. (I watched it as a kid and still like to watch the old ones now).

In particular, this very old episode is what I watched for my plate design:

Many thanks for looking. As always, please post a comment if you wish! Bye for now!

Andy Pandy Figurines.

Hello all. My biggest apologies for not being here in so long…. I’ve been trying my best to keep strong, but I seem to have a bit of what I’d call a “creative block” at the moment…Anyhow, this time I assure you I will try my best to keep on tab with my posts here.

Anyhow, not to dwell on the negative, my mother commissioned me to create the cast of the old children’s show Andy Pandy out of air drying clay. Please see below.


(Left to Right) Looby Loo, Andy Pandy, Teddy.

They took me some time as I kept encountering problems throughout the whole process of making them… But I got there in the end!

Hope you like them! Bye for now!