More Chinese Doodling Fun

Two Tigers

Hello once again, I did the painting of two tigers above in Chinese ink and watercolours. It took me approximately 15 – 20mins to complete in a spontaneous style. The title of this piece is “Two Tigers”, but it has an added message I did in Simplified Chinese…

” Two Tigers sit by my bedside. Their presence is as strong as steel”.

I wrote that because this is literally by my bed. Tigers are strong in addition…as strong as steel perhaps. So this message is to give me strength. It’s also a tradition to put a message like this in a Chinese painting, so I have done so, but in my way, and from left to right and not the normal way of writing right to left.

I also put “2015 year of the goat”, as this is the year of the goat in the Chinese zodiac. Fun fact: I was born in 1991, which is again a year of the goat.


This drawing of a Chinese dragon I did on olive coloured sugar paper is unfinished, but I want to take my time with this one. I want it to be one of my more detailed good pieces. I drew this in pencil first and went over it in pen. Stay tuned to see it finished.

Thats all for now, and as usual, have a relaxing weekend!